Email Marketing: Vanity Metrics Guide

In email marketing, there are a lot of metrics that can potentially be tracked - it’s hard to tell the wood from the trees. When it comes to tracking it’s important to know what metrics to track, what these metrics mean, and most importantly how the metrics can be influenced. In this post, I’m going to break down the ‘vanity’ metrics in email marketing, more specifically: Open Rate Click through rate....

September 3, 2020 · 3 min · James Malcolm

Sales Volume vs Account Value With Lead Scoring

In one of my recent posts on creating a lead score model, I mentioned that lead scoring can decrease Account Value. Whilst lead scoring can bring in higher Sales Volume it may do this at the cost of Account Value. I want to quickly explore this idea a bit more today. What is a valued lead? For this, we want need to define value. For all businesses, this will be a combination of:...

August 17, 2020 · 3 min · James Malcolm

Bayesian AB Testing with Pyro

Recently, I’ve been involved in experiment design and measurement - specifically AB Testing. This experience has encouraged me to learn more about experimentation because of unique challenges faced with conversion optimisation. This post, goes hand in hand with lead score experimentation. In brief, the unique challenges posed were: Dealing with largely a non-technical audience Low sample sizes Costly human interventions as a variant. Because of this, I chose Bayesian AB Testing as a measurement framework....

August 13, 2020 · 6 min · James Malcolm

Optimize Sales For Growth with Lead Scoring

In TV shows that focus on home design, designers often place seemingly a large amount of importance on the entry of the house. Why? Well, it’s the place where you first show your home and create an impression. Sales teams are often the entrance way into their company. Creating an excellent sales experience will lead to higher conversions and generate loyal customers. Because companies are always trying to become more efficient, efficiency within sales can be increased by the use of a key tool – lead scoring....

August 3, 2020 · 6 min · James Malcolm

Achieving Gross Margin as a US Listed Software Company

Gross Margin is perhaps of the most followed metrics when evaluating software companies. Investors and companies themselves are absolutely obsessed with it In this article, we break down Gross Margin to figure out what drives it, and whether companies are actually rewarded for having a good gross margin. In my last article, I explored the relationship of Sales and Marketing expenditure to examine whether there is an ideal ratio of spend....

March 11, 2020 · 3 min · James Malcolm